DIY Hospital Gift Basket for the First Time Mom

By Holly Sosa

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MyLittleRemedies #CollectiveBias

I’ve got a niece on the way and she’s already a special little lady to me as she is my brother’s first child. Not only is she my brother’s first child, but she’s my best friend’s first child too! Can we have a moment over the fact that I get to be blood related to my bestie’s baby?! I’m pretty much the most excited aunt in the history of aunthood and if aunthood isn’t a word, I’m creating it now!

I’ve been there every step of the way (we even Facetimed while waiting for her pregnancy test results) and with her baby shower coming up, I want to make sure I get a special gift for my bestie and my little bestie growing in her tummy. After brainstorming for a bit, I remembered a baby shower I attended where the mama-to-be received a hospital gift basket filled with goodies for mom. I remember how thoughtful it was and thinking back on my own hospital experience, wished someone had done something similar for me.

The list making lover that I am, I took to creating the best possible DIY hospital gift basket I could put together. I drew on my own experience (an emergency c-section both times) and wrote down granny panties (ones that reach up over that incision), a robe, hard candy, the new Little Remedies® products (for colic) lotion, calming oils, makeup remover towels, and nursing pads. I also crowdsourced via social media and group texts to my mother and sister and then marched down to Target with my mission at the forefront of my mind. I was only distracted by The One Spot for 10 minutes…maybe 15.

The result is the most perfect hospital gift basket that ever existed in the history of hospital gift baskets. With a primary focus on mom and a few practical baby items for unexpected issues (I had a constipated gassy little boy those first few nights), here are the results of my creation.

A cozy robe for covering her exposed rear because those hospital gowns are awful. And some big ol’ granny panties. There is zero shame after you have a baby and especially after a c-section when the only requirement for underwear is that it doesn’t rest on your incision. Plus, those panties will be holding all the things in all the places for many days following birth.

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Little Remedies® Advanced Colic Relief and Little Remedies® Gripe Water because even if baby doesn’t need them at the hospital, mom will want easy access should baby have any colic issues. My son had some terrible gas his first few weeks of life (he’s five and still farts, but now it’s for funsies). It was such a scary time for me and as a first time mom, I had zero experience with what to do, where to go, or who to call. I was on this island alone, at least that’s what it feels like at 2AM after a feeding, a fresh diaper, and eleventy swaddles but baby is still unhappy and screaming.

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Get 20% off Little Remedies® Advanced Colic Relief Drops in Cartwheel from 09/13/2015 through 10/17/2015. Also receive a $5 Target gift card when you purchase any two Little Remedies® Gas Drops or Gripe Water from 09/27/2015 through 10/17/2015.

Little Remedies® Advanced Colic Relief (dietary supplement) contains a chamomile herbal blend that’s shown to reduce crying by 60%*ᵻ and contains no artificial flavors, colors, dyes, or alcohol. Little Remedies® Gripe Water (dietary supplement) is a fast acting, safe and gentle solution for stomach discomfort and gas from Colic and hiccups* and contains no artificial flavors, no dyes, and no parabens. *This statement has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

A compact mirror and some makeup remover wipes. Sometimes you end up at the hospital unexpectedly and have two day old makeup on your face when visitors come. I know this because that’s exactly what happened with me.

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Some hard candy and for during labor because sometimes you don’t-need-another-dang-ice-chip-why-can’t-I-have-food-I’m-birthing-a-human-person-from-my-lady-parts! And some granola bars and trail mix for after labor (and for Dad, but we know Dad wouldn’t dare to eat until Mama can, right?!)

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Some wet tushie wipes. We all know why this is necessary.

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An emergency phone charger because you’ll kill you battery when you see your newborn and proceed to take a photo of her every moment.

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His & hers deodorants, hairties, and mouthwash because aren’t those always the things you forget?! Every. single. time.

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I corralled all my gift basket treasures into a reusable bag (great for storing soiled diapers when traveling by the way) and tucked in a heartfelt letter to my bestie that she is instructed to open during her first Impossible Night, the honorary night every mother goes through. You know the one. For me it was empty breasts, a screaming gassy newborn, and a feeling of helplessness. The one where I called my sister sobbing that maybe I just wasn’t cut out to be a mother or maybe it was impossible for me. That one night where we feel that ugly side of motherhood and we need another mama to tell us we can do this. We are warriors, we are moms, and our baby loves us. Every mother experiences Impossible Night, but I’m hoping to arm my bestie with my experience, Little Remedies®, and a love letter from one mother to another.

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For free samples, video content, and even a chance to win an in-person rescue from the Little Remedies® Rescue Team, be sure to visit the Little Remedies site.

The post DIY Hospital Gift Basket for the First Time Mom appeared first on Our Holly Days.


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