5 Tips for Road Trippin’ with Your Kids

By Holly Sosa

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #RoadTripHacks #CollectiveBias #Vons

In my blended family, we have two additional sets of parents who live roughly 200 miles away from us. This means that I have road trips down to a science, friends. A real and true science. My family and I travel monthly to visit kids or to pick up kids from visits with their other parents. Typically, I do this alone since my husband is the breadwinner and can’t take off from work. For some this may sound nightmarish: on the open road with three kids under 6. For me, it’s part of life and since I’ve gained the experience needed for a no-hassle road trip, I’m sharing some of my tips for road trippin’ with your kids.

1. Attach small trash bags to the back of each seat. These nifty little trash bags can be found at many Farmer’s Markets or handmade fairs. I’m sure a little web search would turn up several options as well. The little bins keep me sane and my eyes on the road when the kids are trying to hand me trash or finish with their snack and need someplace to put their garbage. They’re perfect solutions for road trips.

2. Bring extra undies, pants, and plastic bags. Occasionally, my potty trained dudes will have an accident while on a road trip. Since they’re bladders are still little and they are learning the signals their bodies give them, it happens. Road trips are a different environment and it’s perfectly normal to have an accident. Be prepared with extra supplies for a needed change at a rest stop.

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3. Charge your child’s tablet/electronic devices and bring road trip games. Let’s be honest, the road can be a boring place for an energetic kid. For your own sanity and theirs, allow them some extra screen time during the drive. I also carry road trip BINGO in my car with pictures of common items you find during a road trip. Winner gets to pick a treat out at the next stop for gas!

4. Allow each child to bring one comfort item. Whether it’s a special stuffed toy or blanket (my kids are attached to theirs!), having a familiar item close by will keep them relaxed and (hopefully!) ready to snooze!

5. Be a snack queen! Make sure you pack a snack station for the road. One thing I know for certain: kids with access to snacks are happy. I make a trip to my local Vons and stock up on our favorite snacks like Wheat Thins Original, Quaker Chewy Chocolate Chip Bars, Doritos and Cheetos 20 pk, and Capri Sun Fruit Punch. Once I get them home, I package them in small plastic baggies that are easy for my kids to open when they get the inevitable case of road trip munchies.

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I know at first road trips seem stressful and impossible when you’re traveling with your energetic kiddos, but if you take my advice and use just one or two of these tips, you’ll be a road trip pro in no time. You’ll laugh in the face of a three hour trip! Cross country? Bring it on! The open road ain’t got nothin’ on you, sister.

Vons is hosting a Best Road Trip Ever Sweepstakes and you can enter for your chance to win a new car simply by captioning your road trip essentials. You can get as silly as you want and campaign for votes to help you along. I entered and I’m keeping my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed because winning an actual car?! I’ll caption a thousand photos!

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What road trip advice for traveling with kids do you have? Do you have a special trick up your sleeve that works every time? Share in the comments below. And don’t forget to check out Vons for all your road trip and snack attack needs.

capri sun at vons

The post 5 Tips for Road Trippin’ with Your Kids appeared first on Our Holly Days.


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