Riothorse Royale, an indie rock duo currently residing in LA, will be playing at The Echo in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Nov. 17.
This feisty band, consisting of Madi Diaz and Emily Greene, may only have a handful of released songs under their name – Diaz herself released a pop infused album last fall – but they are on the radar of many music enthusiasts, and deservedly so.
Diaz and Greene met years ago on the east coast, but didn’t get together until just recently when they reconnected in Los Angeles, and I’m so glad the universe decided to bring these two together again.
The duo takes fans down the “rabbit hole” with their music, which is an ethereal mix of striking vocals, dreamy melodies and not so grounded lyrics – having two singers who can belt it out as well as they do is definitely a plus.
The way these two ladies play with their melodies and exchange vocals throughout their songs is breathtaking and could give even the most stoic fan chills. Lyrically the two delve into the depths of love, forgiveness and a questioning sense of belonging.
Their EP “The Guest House” is a crafty contraption that grips ahold of its listeners from start to finish and while short – 17 minutes is not long enough for such a delightful trip – it achieves what every good EP should do – it makes you want more.
The two have played a handful of shows since last year at venues such as The Roxy, The Bardot and most recently The Satellite. The infrequency of their shows should be an incentive enough to not miss them this November.
Doors open at The Echo at 8 p.m., with Riothorse Royale playing later on in the night, and at just $10 a ticket, this tenacious duo is worth checking out, even on a Tuesday night.
To hear more from Riothorse Royale, you can visit their website, or check out their soundcloud.
For tickets to their show at the Echo, click here.