Gifts Mom Really Wants for Mother’s Day

By Holly Sosa

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This Mother’s Day, skip the chocolates and flowers (well, maybe don’t skip the chocolates because well, who doesn’t like chocolate?) and give mom a gift you know she wants. As a mom myself, I have a little experience with Mother’s Day and these gift ideas are a quintessential dream sheet of gifts mom really wants for Mother’s Day. We aren’t complicated creatures and just some extra sleep, a spotless house we didn’t have to clean, and WINE are all we need. This list is a reference of gifts we all dream about for mother’s day and will be handy reference for you if you haven’t yet figured out what to get mom.


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In parent life, sleep is currency and mom is in serious debt. Get the kids out of the house first thing in the morning and plan to be gone until after noon (extra credit for giving her the house alone until dinner time). Let’s be real, there is no way she is going to get real deal blissful sleep unless the kiddos are out of the house.

A clean car

Why are mom cars always a disaster? Well, you try managing the clean up after three Happy Meals, sippy cups, Dollar Spot trash, and stowaway toys. After venturing out of the house with the kids and then getting them unloaded at home along with a week’s worth of groceries (which then need to be put away), crusty french fries are the last on her list of to-dos.

A bottle (or four!) of Butter Chardonnay from JaM Cellars

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Moms love wine. This is a life fact, right? Ha! Rich, bold and luscious, Butter is an easy-to-love creamy California Chardonnay. Made in the tradition of Californian winemaking, the fruit chosen is juicy, ripe, stone fruit and contains baked-lemon aromas. Cold fermented to the perfect, rich creaminess and aged in oak, which gives this wine a lovely, long, vanilla finish that’s uniquely Butter! The wine virtually melts in your mouth. It’s 100% Chardonnay, grown in sunny California spots with just the right touch of cool from the coast. Find Butter Chardonnay at your local grocery store with the JaM Cellars WineFinder. If you do nothing else on this list, please do this and buy her a bottle of this gloriously rich and buttery wine.

A clean house

Most moms struggle with the stress of a clean house. While we make dinner, we’re thinking about the bathtub that hasn’t been scrubbed in over eight months. While we’re changing diapers we are wondering if we have ever cleaned the oven (I have not…it’s been four years). While we are helping with homework, we are wondering how long that pile of laundry will sit on the chair. Even if it’s just once, hiring a service to come and clean the house from top to bottom will help lower her stress level. Plus it’s basically the gift of free time since she won’t have to worry about the oven for another few years.

A macaroni necklace (handmade gift)

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No really. Really. Moms love those sentimental handmade gifts. Handprint flowers, haphazardly painted coffee mugs, macaroni necklaces, we cherish it all. Through the madness and crusty fries, a macaroni necklace is visible proof that her children’s love for her is pure and innocent and unconditional.

Use this handy guide to ensure you give mom a gift this Mother’s Day that is guaranteed to make her happy. And hey, if you totally bomb it this holiday, there’s always Chardonnay!

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Follow JaM Cellars on Facebook and Instagram for daily wine-spiration.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

The post Gifts Mom Really Wants for Mother’s Day appeared first on Our Holly Days.


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